Torneo a squadre

Ranking Team at round 6

15Monforte 1ITA6600121878
27Foggia 1ITA65011013.550
33Leopoldo PillaITA6501101337
410Foggia 2ITA640281366
52Monforte 2ITA640281029
66Tre Fontane 1ITA630369.513
74Tre Fontane 2ITA620448.515
88Monforte 3ITA61052316
99Tre Fontane 3ITA600601.514
101Monforte 4ITA6006000

TieBreak legend:
GamPnt = Game Point
SB_MG = Sonn.-Ber.: MatPnt x GamPnt

Generated by Orion
(This copy cannot be used for tournament with more than 8 teams)