Torneo a squadre

Best player at round 9 in board 1

1Rubillo VincenzoFoggia 2ITA8.01673
2Petruccioli AntonioMonforte 1ITA8.01647
3Di Gianni RoccoFoggia 1ITA7.01658
4Russo GiuseppeLeopoldo PillaITA6.01705
5IANNELLI DavideTre Fontane 1BN5.51690
6Patriarchi EmanueleMonforte 3ITA4.01674
7DELLI VENERI Gian VincenzoTre Fontane 2BN3.01701
8Marroni GilbertoMonforte 2ITA2.01700
9Iannelli StefanoTre Fontane 31.51715
10Casilli GianmariaMonforte 40.01715

Best player at round 9 in board 2

1Pellegrino GiuseppeFoggia 1ITA8.01461
2Terzano FrancescoMonforte 1ITA8.01444
3Iannitto AntonioFoggia 2ITA7.01471
4Sorbo StefanoMonforte 2ITA6.01510
5DELLI VENERI AlessandroTre Fontane 1BN5.01482
6Iadicola GiancarloLeopoldo PillaITA4.01489
7Cioccia AntonioTre Fontane 33.01489
8Esposito AngeloTre Fontane 2ITA2.01507
9De Silvio GianmarioMonforte 3ITA2.01501
10Sorbo AntonioMonforte 40.01489

Best player at round 9 in board 3

1Tirro Luigi EliaMonforte 1ITA8.51457
2SANTORO MICHELEMonforte 2SI7.51494
3BASHO RolandTre Fontane 16.01493
4Caso AttilioFoggia 2ITA6.01484
5Salvemini FabioFoggia 1ITA5.51461
6Ruggiero LuigiLeopoldo PillaITA4.51493
7Ndreka SaimirTre Fontane 23.51493
8Barile AntonioMonforte 3ITA2.51502
9NIKOLLA DANJELMonforte 4CB1.01505
10Iamartino LucianaTre Fontane 30.01493

TieBreak legend:
GamPnt = Game Point (exclude unplayed)
ARO = Average Rating Opponent

Generated by Orion
(This copy cannot be used for tournament with more than 8 teams)